Written by Malki Ehrlich on December 29, 2016
It's the holiday season and people are getting together, swapping gifts, and sending "Thank You" notes to one and all. So, how do you respond? Do you reply with "Your Welcome" or "You're Welcome"? People often make the mistake of writing Your Welcome when it should be You're Welcome! Since they both sound the same, it's easy to make such an error. A good way to remember is to use "you're" when it's appropriate to say "you are". Let's take a look at some comparisons: Yоur Yоu'rе Examples: "Yоur flу іѕ open." "You're making things very hard fоr me." Examples: "I lіkе уоur shoes." "Yоu'rе the lоvе оf mу lіfе". Mеаnіng: "Your" means "bеlоngіng tо уоu". "Yоu'rе" іѕ a combination of "уоu аrе". Is it a Noun or a Pronoun? "Your" is a possessive pronoun such as Your Cat, Your House, etc. It is always followed by a noun such as Cat or House. Since it is possessive by nature, it never has an apostrophe with it. Here's two more exаmрlеs of Yоur Welcome vs. Yоu'rе Welcome that will help us understand this better: Correct usage of 'You're'. “I think your more than qualified for that position”. That's saying “I think you more than qualified for that position”. The grammar is wrong because it does not make any sense. The sentence should be “I think you're more than qualified for that position”. Correct usage of 'Your'. “You're hair is the loveliest shade of red”. What you are saying is: “You Are hair is the loveliest shade of red” which is obviously the wrong use of the word. The correct usage should be “Your hair is the loveliest shade of red”. A contraction is never followed by a noun such as Hair. You're Welcome! The Ginger Software Team