I recently discovered the longest word in English after a discussion with an old friend from college. Have you ever been curious about the longest word in the English language?
The English language does indeed include some extraordinarily long words. Many of these words were derived by combining several names or places, and they often have straightforward meanings despite their length. I am sure you are wondering how these words would appear in sentences, or how they should be properly interpreted. Even if you get all that right, there are some further questions to ask, will you be able to pronounce and spell the words correctly?
You need not to worry about spelling them since it's actually impossible that you’ll find the need to use this category of words in your day to day activities, and you might not even come across them unless you search them out.
Listing out all the long words in English will be the most boring blog you read all day long, so let's just list four:
- Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is one of the longest words in the English language, this 45-letter word is a lung disease caused by the prolonged exposure to fine siliceous dust. Have you tried pronouncing that?
- Antidisestablishmentarianism: is "only" 28 letters and it was used in the United Kingdom. It refers to the disposition of those who are against the ruling upper class of nobles, aristocracy, and the Church of England.
- Floccinaucinihilipilification: 29 letters. This word is rarely used. You will usually find references to it only in lists of very long words, like this one. This word means an assessment of something useless.
- Titin: Here's the cream of the crop, the following word is not really a proper term in the sense you probably won't find it in a dictionary, but it is the longest word in English which is interesting to pronounce So, I present to you the full chemical name of the protein Titin. This word is 189,819 letters long and it takes nothing less than 4 hours to pronounce and about 57 pages of a book to write it.